“It's a poster for one of my earliest experiments... doesn't work though, complete waste of time.“ This page refers to content that is not present in the final versions of the game due to being cut, removed or repurposed.
The army marched south across the Silver Mountains and through the Silver Woods. Soon afterwards even the Pumpkinlands belonged to Zarok - and Gallows Town looked to be his for the taking.
The Silver Wood, also known as the Jabberwocky Chase or the Dragon Chase, is a level that was cut from MediEvil.[1] The Silver Woods are only mentioned once in the released game, in a book found in the Sleeping Village. The level revolved around Daniel being chased by the Jabberwocky. The level was replaced by the 9AVFMV. Bits of the level can be seen in the promotional trailer for the game.[2]