Gallowmere Historia

What have you done? Once again, the Shadow Demons are wreaking havok across the land - and it's all thanks to you! The single most destructive and wretched creatures in the history of the world, and you've given them an early parole. They will be heading for the ruins of King Peregrin's Castle - Gallowmere is doomed!

– A Gargoyle commenting on the Shadow Demons

Shadow Demons are unnatural creatures summoned by Zarok the Sorcerer from another dimension. After the Battle of Gallowmere in 1286, they were trapped in a tomb in the Enchanted Earth.

They are the wingless counterparts of the Flying Demons.



In 1286, Zarok summoned these creatures to help him build his castle and to help him invade the land of Gallowmere. After the Battle of Gallowmere, these dark, evil creatures were imprisoned inside a tomb located in the Enchanted Earth by a great hero. However, a hundred years later, Sir Daniel Fortesque was forced to release them so that he could progress on his journey to defeat Zarok. As soon as the Demons are out of their prison, they make their way to the ruins of Peregrin Castle where they imprison three farmers. Daniel eventually kills all the demons by releasing the lava held behind the castle's floodgates.



  • In the Haunted Ruins level, during Dan's mission to save the farmers, there are three Shadow Demons to slay in MediEvil (both the original PS1 version and PS4 remake), while there is only one demon in Resurrection.
  • The Demons also appear in Pumpkin Gorge as part of a quest given by Sir Schmidt the Hermit.